Try the Testclient

The Testclient is a simple web application that can be used to explore the BACnet network where the DINGO device is located.

Try the Testclient here:

Use your own DINGOs IP or OpenPort information instead of the IP in the example.

  1. Start by clicking the Get devices button. This will discover all the BACnet devices on the network. Visit this section for more information on discovering BACnet devices - especially if the device-list is inconsistent between retries.
  2. Select one of the discovered devices and click the Get objects button. This will return the BACnet objects in the selected BACnet device.
  3. Select one of the BACnet objects, that has a present-value property and click the Read present-value button. This will read the present-value of the BACnet object, together with the description and unit-of-measure.
  4. If the selected BACnet object has support for COVs (change-of-value), then the Subscribe button can be used to get COVs, when they happen.

The source-code of the Testclient is primarily JavaScript. To view the source-code, right-click on the Testclient page and select View page source (this can be different between browsers). The source-code contains the various BACnet web-service requests for discovering BACnet devices and objects, along with requests to do COV subscriptions.

Note: COV subscriptions in BACnet web-services use a HTTP-endpoint or web-hook as the callback for COVs. This is not feasible when working with browser-web-applications - so a experimental WebSocket solution is used instead. Visit this section for more information.